In our information-based society, trends towards globalization continue to diminish the significance of national borders in terms of trade and information exchange. International governmental, non-governmental and large corporate multinational organizations create information flows that span many nations. In addition, the rapid expansion of the World Wide Web, possibly the world’s largest multilingual document repository, also contributes to this international information exchange. One of the major barriers to this global information exchange is raised by the multiplicity of languages in the flow of information. Etymologically, one of the language definitions is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Language is also understood as the system of arbitral sound symbol used by a particular country to cooperate, interaction one another and self identify.
The possession of language, more than any other attribute, distinguishes human from animals. To understand
The possession of language, more than any other attribute, distinguishes human from animals. To understand
our humanity one must understand the language that makes us human. According to the philosophy expressed in the myths and religions of many peoples, it is language that is the source of human life and power. To some people in Africa, a newborn child is a kuntu, a “thing’” not yet a muntu, a “person’.” Only by the act of learning language does the child become a human being. Thus according to his tradition, we all become “human” because we all know at least one language.
Edwards estimates the existence of approximately 4.500 living languages, of which at least 30 are spoken by 30 million people or more (including non-native speakers). It is clear that in order to function in this multinational, multilingual world, information exchange can no longer be restricted to a single language. Although the English language is spoken by a large number of people and English serves as the lingua franca for the students of English Education Study Programme of the State Islamic College (STAIN) of Jurai Siwo Metro, the exclusive use of English leaves publications in other languages inaccessible. At the same time, information in English is withheld from those millions who do not speak English.
Based on the above description, it can be consider that nowadays science and technology develop fast consequences of developing culture, economic and politic. The countries relation conduce the people toward difficulty in accepting the important information’s needed. The method to overcome the problems of language and acceleration of increasing science and technology, either traditional or modern pedagogy has not been found yet. It needs a new approach due to the process of learning and teaching to meet a demand the needs both today and the future. In this case language becomes a system of communication in speaking and writing used by a particular country to cooperate, interaction one another and self identify. Therefore is needed an agreement in specifying language as the international language. So that people from various and different countries can communicate one another.
In addition, there are several things needed to be considered in order to be able to use English properly. Among other things are translation, vocabulary, language style, way of reading and writing well. Generally in Indonesia, to know the usage of English better and quickly and making it easy is learning translation from English to Indonesia or Indonesian to English. Translation is assumed covering the four English skills, they are writing, reading, listening, and speaking. Translation also demands of understanding the branches of English subject such as grammar, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, semantics, etc. Referring to human relation, translation becomes integral part guiding the people learning relation intercultural, both science and technology. Therefore translation performance is badly needed by Indonesian people to increase their knowledge. Performance means possession of the means or skill to do translation quickly and effectively. It means the message from source language (SL) can be sent into target language (TL) correctly and accurately.
Translation is the action or process of translating. A person who translates from one language into another is called a translator. In fact, a great deal things happen to many translators is still doing many mistakes. Most of the mistakes are by reason of difficulty in choosing the suitable equivalent to a word, phrase, clause and sentence, inequality of language structure, background of the language culture, and writing certain words. These mistakes absolutely influence the result of translation. Therefore, the purpose of source language (SL) becomes different to target language (TL), and then the message can’t be sent to the readers. Referring to these phenomena, it can be considered that studying the translation is not easy. It needs to know the method or strategy of translation.
Based on the translation literature, there are some translation methods which have been developed by the expert. According to Jacobson the varieties are classified refer to kinds system of symbol. While Savory classifies them refer to kinds of source language which translated, then Nida & Taber, Larson and of New Mark classifies them refer to translation process and the emphasis.
According to Catford a translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). (Change the source language into equivalent target language).
Catford also gives limitation of translation as follow: “translation is an operation performed on language: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in another”. Obviously, translation is an activity related with languages. That is a process of substituting a text from one language to another.
Based on above statements, the writer assumes that translation is an effort to change source language to commensurable text in target language. Not merely simply translation but emphasis on sending the writer’s message. It means not only translate letter by letter, or word by word, but also emphasizes at the equivalent meaning based on the source language without changing the purpose of message sent.
Label: My Writting
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huufft... Tulisan yg sangat panjang_
akan butuh wktu lama bagi saya untuk bisa membaca dan memahaminya...
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